Thursday, January 21, 2010

Problem Following Moving Lights On Vng Test The Problem With Free Will?

The Problem with free will? - problem following moving lights on vng test

Everything follows strict rules. Gravity, light and sound. How do you move a train on rails, like a bird to fly.

How our body responds settled down from all the country, and scientific laws.

But if you exclude everything that we have free will? When our body Guidlines what makes our freedom to make decisions? If all the laws then we have a say in how things take their course?


Aphrodit... said...

My feeling is the same, there is no such thing as free will.

If we do not choose to respect their parents poorly (worse than you can imagine), we believe that success in everything we do.
If we do not believe us to God, we're going to hell.

cymry3jo... said...

Too much choice.

Puzzled said...

The problem with the experiment, the possibilities for a number of previous cases to evaluate is that soon see a return to the infinite, what is the cause of their choice, causing what the cause of the cause of their choice and so on. In other words, can never be a full report on an election on the basis of their previous cases.

What remains is that you can not explain why the choice made, saying only that as an act of free will choice.

And decisions are just different kinds of physical events. This does not require believing in the existence of a ghostly spirit (a la Descartes), it is fair to say they are a different kind of things and can not speak in a similar manner.

Don H said...

Free will is an illusion that only works within the limits, it seems that the time constraints imposed on us by the mass of the universe in space that we live in

Love and blessings Don

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