Monday, January 18, 2010

Baby Naming Invitations In Our Baby Shower Invitations We But Our Daughters Name Instead Of Mine?

In our baby shower invitations we but our daughters name instead of mine? - baby naming invitations

Baby's first steps, so I had no idea I have the name in honor of my daughters, what must we do?


RJDm said...

Hmm ... And what really makes the invitation? , In honor of the child, you get gifts for baby and you will get no gift for you. I see what is really a problem.

RJDm said...

Hmm ... And what really makes the invitation? , In honor of the child, you get gifts for baby and you will get no gift for you. I see what is really a problem.

Linda R said...

Never heard of someone who made his "soon" child's name in the invitation ..... If ever the name of the mother. The baby shower for the mother, the things that do not immediately give a newborn soon purchase.

Praying For a Baby BOY! said...

His name is not on the invitation of his daughters shortly. The baby shower is for you! Enjoy!

LBCD said...

I think he should receive invitations and your name on it.

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