Sunday, January 24, 2010

Dying From Colon Cancer What's The Chance Of Dying For A Colon-cancer-patient?

What's the chance of dying for a colon-cancer-patient? - dying from colon cancer

I have recently learned that my father, 50, has cancer and the second phase, which will hopefully not serious.


Christine G said...

I had cancer and Phase 1 was operated and me. Level 2 is better than the stage of 3.4 or 5 The chances are really good for survival. Here's how it is staged made.

Stage 0: Cancer is only in the innermost layer of the colon or rectum detected. Carcinoma in situ is another name for Stage 0 colon cancer.

Phase I: The tumor grew in the internal wall of the colon or rectum. The tumor has not grown through the wall.

Stage II: tumor extends more deeply into or through the wall of the colon or rectum. You may have invaded the surrounding tissue, but cancer cells do not spread to the lymph nodes.

Stage III: The cancer has spread to nearby lymph nodes but not to other parts of the body.

Stage IV: The cancer has spread to other parts of the body such as the liver or lungs.

Repeat: This is a cancer that was treated and after a certain time, when the cancer can be detected reduced. The disease again in May in the colon or rectum, or elsewhere in the body.

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This is a great site ...
You will find a large portion of the required information is the National Cancer Institute, please read.

andrea n said...

We all know that cancer is a serious problem .. I often say to my friend .. Cancer patients who undergo numerous treatments .. very expensive and painful, and we ask the same question .. But I think it depends on the willingness of God.medication to be done for doctors to .. Sometimes they say that the drug extended only to say the life of a place person.And that the probability of dying .. Maybe we can change the subject .. "What is the probability that the life of a patient with colon cancer?". While the patient is willing to live and subjected to treatments I gonna live .. and he said that is only in the second stage, a great chance to survive .. Cancer is a battle .. Although the 50 if they also believe that God is cured by a miracle, he certainly live long LIFE.IT always remember my friends with this kind of situation .. "Trust in God to pray, he is the great healer LL all.I 'from his father and his family help him wisdom and understanding to his father in his battle against cancer at this time .. God bless you.

Tarkarri said...

Statistics on survival rates are often cited as have survived 5 years.

With treatment (usually surgery in Phase II) the possibility of survival is 87% - the chances quite well when everything is said and done.

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